Friday, March 4, 2011

Really Goliath Davis?

Goliath Davis was fired today as the Community Enrichment something something or other (oh by the way, that came with a $152,000 salary). Why was he fired? Mayor Bill Foster lost faith in him. Why, you ask? Brace yourself.

Mr. Community Enrichment failed to attend any of the three funerals for the slain St. Pete officers this year. So, you say--there's worse things that could happen--and you are right. So, here's the worse thing- he DID attend the funeral of cop killer Hydra Lacy Jr (who ambushed 2 St. Pete police officers on January 24)!!!!

Davis claims that he is still too emotional over a lost police officer 30 years ago to attend the funeral. So, I suppose that while at Lacy's funeral he was able to mourn the loss of one of the worst of society while blocking out the fact that he slaughtered the best society has to offer; all the while being able to block out his 30 year emotional battle.

Lacy not only killed one officer, he used that officer like a dummy to lure another officer back into the house and proceeded to shoot him as well.

Great job Mr. Davis. Way to enrich the community! Davis has said that he went to the wake to support... blah blah blah.

Immediate reaction has been predictable. Davis is threatening to sue, the NAACP has organized meetings and already played the race card, and the Mayor somehow will emerge from this looking like the racist if MSNBC gets a hold of this story. Maybe Obama will say that the Mayor acted "stupidly".

Ughh...this is so frustrating. Of course Mr. Davis should have been fired. He should have been fired for 3 reasons (1) Believing that we are stupid enough to buy this ridiculous story as to why you chose to support the cop killer's family and not the police (2) Being mentally unstable enough that an event that happened 30 years ago could prevent you from performing what amounts to...your job (3) There is no way in the world to justify paying you 152 thousand dollars a year to be a community organizer. We already are paying a community organizer 400,000 to run our country----that's plenty!