Monday, April 25, 2011

Is Oama A Citizen? Are We Really Talking About This?

So, here we are two plus years into the Obama presidency and we are still talking about whether or not he was born in the United States.  I am not sure who to be more frustrated with--the "birthers" for focusing on this issue while he runs our country into the ground, or Obama for not putting this to rest by simply providing the documentation.

Have you ever been to the DMV or social security office and tried to get something changed?  Have you ever gone on a trip and tried to get in or out of the country?  Documentation is necessary for the little peons of the world.  How in the world does a person become President without the long form birth certificate?  Shouldn't being President require everything just shy of a video of your birth on US soil? 

The "birther" movement is gaining credibility as of late.  Donald Trump has spent a lot of money in private investigating and claims that the things that are turning up are "amazing".  A book is about to be unleashed that is said to contain shocking information and things that will cause the American people to lose faith in the notion that Obama is a citizen.

I am still in the camp that thinks he is a citizen.  I will admit, however, that I feel that way because I believe that there's no way that my country could possibly have let this slide.  That is probably a  mistake.

Today, a Hawaiian state senator (Sam Slom) is saying that we are all missing the point.  He was born in the United States but what he does not want you to know is what is ON the certificate....such as who his father is.  "My belief is that there is a birth certificate, he was born here, but that there is information that for reasons known only to him he doesn't want released. If it were just the birth certificate, that would be one thing, but it's his school records, it's employment records. … Why would anybody, let alone the president of the United States, spend millions of dollars in legal fees to keep that hidden?" "As long as that goes on," he concluded, "I think it's a legitimate issue"---Sam Slom

Man, this is getting spooky.  I swear that if James Earl Jones announces  "Barak...I am your father" I am going to be really freaked out!

Probably not going to happen.  However,  Mr. President, just produce the records and get on with the destruction of everything that was ever good in this country.

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