Monday, November 29, 2010

Wikileaks Scandal A Question Of Can Versus Should

Wikileaks on Sunday made public more than 250,000 cables between the US State Department, Pentagon and other agencies to foreign diplomats around the world.  Wikileaks came about these latest set of documents by an Army private named Bradley Manning.  Manning is being held in solitary confinement and will be court martialed in 2011.  That all makes sense.  This individual STOLE materials from the US Government that were clearly marked for specific eyes only and gave them to a whistleblowing organization.  Yes, he should be tried and executed for espionage.  What he has done has put the lives of men and women of the United States all over the world at risk and compromised America's upper hand in many diplomatic discussions.  Furthermore, if sources continue to be named the US will lose many allies on the ground in the campaign against evil in this world.

The bigger question is what is the overall fall-out for the rest of us.  Attorney General Holder said today that they will investigate and Congressman Peter King (the incoming DOHS) says that these individuals (Wikileaks) should be treated as terrorists.  So, what does that mean for you and I? Let me share a possible scenario:
The US government uses this incident to fast forward two major pieces of legislation called The Net Neutrality Act and The Fairness Doctrine. Neither law would have or will prevent this sort of thing from happening, but it is just the type of "crisis" that Obama aids have said cannot be wasted.
I am distressed by the leaking of these documents.  I am in favor of prosecuting ANYONE who broke a law in this particular case.  However, we must be very cautious not to get too jumpy and too protective that we yield control and give up freedoms for the sake of safety.  This is a very sticky issue and should be handled with great care. 

How do you stop a group like Wikileaks from releasing this type of damaging information (that they did not steal or pay for) while affirming the media's ability to challenge the government and expose corruption?

There are fringe people out there even suggesting that the Obama administration itself is behind the leaks.  The argument is how can an Army private for 8 months download top secret information and take it home.  If that is how it happened, then we may have to re-think the whole super-power thing. 

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