Monday, January 10, 2011

Tragedy In Arizona Is Palin's Fault? Really

Media outlets that strongly warned citizens not to rush to judgement last year when Maj. Hasan killed 13 people at Ft. Hood and reportedly yelled "Allahu Akbar", are urging the same patience with the incident in Arizona as well..... wait, they're not?

No, CNN (The Communist News Network) had this beautiful dialogue:

After reporting that Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik had condemned what Dupnik called "the vitriol that comes out of certain mouths about tearing down the government," CNN's Wolf Blitzer turned to congressional reporter Jessica Yellin for analysis.  The sheriff "singled out some of the political rhetoric, as you point out, in creating the environment that allowed this kind of instance to happen," Yellin told Blitzer.  "Even though, as you point out, this suspect is not cooperating with investigators, so we don't know the motive.  President Obama also delivered that message, saying it's partly the political rhetoric that led to this.*  So that's why we want to bring up one of the themes that's burning up the social media right now.  On Twitter and Facebook, there is a lot of talk, in particular, about Sarah Palin.  As you might recall, back in March of last year, when the health care vote was coming to the floor of the House and this was all heating up, Palin tweeted out a message on Twitter saying 'common sense conservatives, don't retreat -- instead reload.'  And she referred folks to her Facebook page.  On that Facebook page was a list of Democratic members she was putting in cross hairs, and Gabrielle Giffords was one of those in the cross hairs."
Blitzer and Yellin went on to clarify that there is no evidence that Loughner was even a Palin fan or that this could be connected to her in any way.  Really?  So you just decided to throw her name in the ring and suggest that maybe she insighted this shooting with her "rhetoric".

They both agreed that this was a good time to talk about "toning down our political rhetoric".  No wonder CNN and all of its communist subsidiaries and twin sister stations are losing the ratings war.  People see through this garbage and are seeing things more clearly than ever before.

This guy (Loughner) is a nut!  Whether he acted on something from Sarah Palin or got the message from listening to Billy Ray Cyrus albums backwards, he is crazy and that's why he did this!  We have to start holding people accountable for THEIR actions.  We have to stop grabbing for more control and less rights every time something bad happens.

Have a speedy and fair trial and then rid humanity of this evil man.  Then, through free market enterprise, let's force people like Wolf Blitzer, Chris Matthews, Keith Olberman, and others into another profession. 

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