Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Way To Go Rick Scott, Really

Today, Florida Governor Rick Scott told the federal government that they could keep their 2.3 billion dollars, Florida doesn't want it. The reactions: politicians on both sides of the aisle could not get in line fast enough to condemn the governor.

What do I say? THANK YOU Rick Scott! Thank you for doing what vote greedy, integrity lacking political figures usually will not do. Thanks for looking beyond the next couple of years to see that this would cost us too much money, provide temporary jobs, and would be a failure as a matter of practical transportation.

Consider that (1) It will cost us AT LEAST 3 billion as a state on top of the 2.3 that we were going to be "given". (2) The jobs will be mostly temporary and then would disappear when the project is finished. (3) The rail is a joke.

I go to Orlando ALL the time. Given the proposed operational set-up of the proposed rail, who would use this? The rail would go from Tampa to Orlando. Suppose I want to go to Orlando. I drive to Ybor (20 min) and park my car (5 min). I pay to park ($10). I ride the train to Orladno (1 drop off destination) and then take a cab ($20-30) (10-20 min), and then when I m done turn around and do the same thing. NO WAY....An indepndent study showed it would take more travel time and be less cost effective (UNLESS gas prices soar to $10 a gallon, in which case I could be wrong). Not to mention the mess on I4 for the next how many years.

People, don't hate Rick Scott; applaud him for having the courage to take a stand on something that may single-handedly cost him the next election.

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