Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Jersey Shore America, Really

Nine million Americans tuned in to Jersey Shore last week to watch Snooki do- who knows what or who. Now, you may be asking--- what's a snooki? If so, you may be interested to know that a snooki is all the rage in America and every week America's youth tune in to see her and her unruly, ungodly, cohorts .

I have been trying for a long time to put my finger on the problems plaguing America.  I think that I have found it!  No, it's not that Jersey Shore and its cast of misfits displaying their train wreck lives each week will somehow exert some poor influence on America.  It is that we are debased enough as a society to find this stuff entertaining.  Then, the wheels in my head begin spinning.  These are the people who vote for change without knowing - what kind of change. 

Am I somehow suggesting that the watchers of Skins, Jersey Shore, 16 And Pregnant, The Bachelor, and all of the other trash on TV are somehow responsible for the mess that we find ourselves in?  In the words of my good friend Phineas, Yes, yes I am!

We are such a dumbed down society.  We are entertained by the most depraved things and we have lost our ability to blush.  I hear my students all the time quoting Vinny and talking about Snooki.  It's disgusting- it's not funny!  Rather than read a good book, catch up on some political commentary, or even watch The State of The Union Address---we watch people have illicit sex, get so drunk that they don't remember yesterday, and violate every moral standard that made this country so good for so long (and no-that was not C-Span).

The aforementioned Snooki said on 'Ellen" that it's a good night for her if she does not pass out.  "Yes, because I want to remember my night and sometimes I just don't. It sucks. So you're like, 'What did I do? Why did I wake up in a garbage can?' "  Really, America.  This is entertainment?  This is enjoyable?

How bad is Jersey Shore?  People from Jersey are embarrassed!!!!

To those who watch it because of some great respect or a desire to be like these losers---I hope you succeed.  To those of you who watch it because you find it funny or entertaining, shame on you!  To those that don't watch it on TV but let their children watch it----give it time and you'll get to watch it in real life in your living room, but not on TV.


  1. Woo-hoo!!! Preach it! In agreement over here!

  2. Well said! I wish there was something we can do as a society and as parents to remove all this garbage for the tv. It is unfortunate that the networks are only concerned about the bottom line and not the extreme damage such shows do to our society and especially our children. (Never have watched any of these shows and refuse to.) Sorry for going on and on.
