In a last ditch desperate attempt to keep his lifelong political career alive Charlie Crist reached into his bag of tricks as Halloween nears. After flip-flopping on issues, changing party affiliation, and generally doing whatever it may take to get votes--Crist has stooped to new lows. It was revealed by Politico this week that Crist has begged Meek to leave the race and endorse Crist in an effort to keep Rubio from victory. Crist even got help from The Teflon President, Bill Clinton. Apparently last week Clinton's presumed campaign stumping for Meek was actually a visit to talk him out of the race. Meek was presented with the notion that leaving the race to keep Rubio from winning would make him a hero and further his career------eventually.
Thank God that there seems to have been found some honor somewhere. Many news outlets are reporting that it was Meek's wife who convinced him at the last minute to have honor and see the race through. According to some sources the time and place had already been chosen for the bowing out and endorsement of Crist. I disagree with Meek on almost EVERY issue, but thank you for having the honor to do this right.
Moreover, thank you for not rewarding the political weasel that is Charlie Crist. Marco Rubio will likely win on Tuesday, but somehow I think that Crist will still have some tricks up his sleeve. I pray that the voters of Florida can see through his ploys and his lack of a spine to the real Charlie Crist---the one who NEEDS to get elected to keep his dream of being President of The United States alive. Sorry Charlie--we see who you really are, the mask is off and we are scared!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
19 Million Floridians- And We Have To Choose Between Sink And Scott, Really?
Last night I watched, as much as I could take, of the debate between Rick Scott and Alex Sink. As I watched I kept coming back to the same question: this is the best that Florida has to offer? Really, Florida?
The verbal jabs were fast and furious, yet not delivered with any conviction or great oration skills. The two endlessly called one another crooks--Scott a crook in business, Sink a crook in government. Sink is so weak and poorly spoken that her campaign (against debate rules) sent her a text message on how to answer a particular question!!!!! Most who watched the debate said it was neither coherent or informative. DUH!
Other than the fact they are both crooks, there were some pointed differences in the two candidates: (1) Sink is opposed to an Arizona style immigration bill while Scott is for it. (2) Scott favors the Nebraska type bill that would limit abortions after 20 weeks and Sink opposes it. (3) Sink is an Obama liberal while Scott purports to be the anti-Obama.
All that having been said--I cannot believe that in one week, either way, we will have a governor elect that has defrauded the people of the United States and the people of Florida. We will also have a governor elect that as of last night did not know what minimum wage was in Florida (when asked--Scott said $7.55-Sink nodded. Both were wrong- it is $7.25).
19 million Floridians and this what we came up with?
The verbal jabs were fast and furious, yet not delivered with any conviction or great oration skills. The two endlessly called one another crooks--Scott a crook in business, Sink a crook in government. Sink is so weak and poorly spoken that her campaign (against debate rules) sent her a text message on how to answer a particular question!!!!! Most who watched the debate said it was neither coherent or informative. DUH!
Other than the fact they are both crooks, there were some pointed differences in the two candidates: (1) Sink is opposed to an Arizona style immigration bill while Scott is for it. (2) Scott favors the Nebraska type bill that would limit abortions after 20 weeks and Sink opposes it. (3) Sink is an Obama liberal while Scott purports to be the anti-Obama.
All that having been said--I cannot believe that in one week, either way, we will have a governor elect that has defrauded the people of the United States and the people of Florida. We will also have a governor elect that as of last night did not know what minimum wage was in Florida (when asked--Scott said $7.55-Sink nodded. Both were wrong- it is $7.25).
19 million Floridians and this what we came up with?
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Liberals Continue Tap Dance To Not Offend Islam: Juan Williams Fired At NPR
Longtime news analyst Juan Williams, who has written extensively on race and civil rights, has been fired by National Public Radio after comments he made about Muslims on the Fox News Channel. Host Bill O‘Reilly brought on guests to discuss his appearance last week on ABC’s “The View” during which Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg walked off the set in protest of O‘Reilly’s views on Muslims.
Williams said the following:
“I mean, look, Bill, I’m not a bigot. You know the kind of books I’ve written about the Civil Rights movement in this country,” Williams said. “But when I get on a plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous.”
Wow, really? That gets you fired? (This would be a good time to say please don't tell my boss I have thought and said the same thing on more than one occasion). Seriously people? We were attacked by radical MUSLIMS!!! When we are looking around and analyzing our security on planes we should be looking for MUSLIMS!! It does not mean that all Muslims are bad or that they should be treated differently. Juan Williams did not suggest anything of the sort---he simply stated that when on a plane he gets nervous when he sees people in traditional Muslim garb.
The majority of the terror plots that have been foiled since 9-11 have turned up Muslims. Those training in middle eastern countries to kill Americans and America's allies are Muslims! The bombers of the 93 WTC, the USS Cole, the embassy in Beirut--ALL MUSLIMS!
Political correctness is out of control and shows no sign of being reeled in. A blogger on Huffington Post put it this way: "To say that many people get worried when they see men in Muslim garb is a honest human response to seeing pictures on the news of folks in the same garb chanting "Death to America" and beheading folks. We can't even have an honest discussion on anything. This political correctness is absurd.
I am not a huge fan of Juan Williams and I disagree with him often, but not on this one.
Williams said the following:
“I mean, look, Bill, I’m not a bigot. You know the kind of books I’ve written about the Civil Rights movement in this country,” Williams said. “But when I get on a plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous.”
Wow, really? That gets you fired? (This would be a good time to say please don't tell my boss I have thought and said the same thing on more than one occasion). Seriously people? We were attacked by radical MUSLIMS!!! When we are looking around and analyzing our security on planes we should be looking for MUSLIMS!! It does not mean that all Muslims are bad or that they should be treated differently. Juan Williams did not suggest anything of the sort---he simply stated that when on a plane he gets nervous when he sees people in traditional Muslim garb.
The majority of the terror plots that have been foiled since 9-11 have turned up Muslims. Those training in middle eastern countries to kill Americans and America's allies are Muslims! The bombers of the 93 WTC, the USS Cole, the embassy in Beirut--ALL MUSLIMS!
Political correctness is out of control and shows no sign of being reeled in. A blogger on Huffington Post put it this way: "To say that many people get worried when they see men in Muslim garb is a honest human response to seeing pictures on the news of folks in the same garb chanting "Death to America" and beheading folks. We can't even have an honest discussion on anything. This political correctness is absurd.
I am not a huge fan of Juan Williams and I disagree with him often, but not on this one.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
"Muslims Attacked The US on 9-11" Shocks The View
Two hosts of ABC talk show "The View" angrily stomped off the set while on live television Wednesday in the middle of a contentious debate with Fox New Channel's Bill O’Reilly about the planned mosque in lower Manhattan, the New York Post reported Thursday.
Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar left the set after O'Reilly said that the U.S. was attacked by Muslims on 9-11. Now, I know that Goldberg and Behar are not the sharpest tools in the shed. In fact, someone please explain to me how either one has an audience of people that value their opinion. They spout uneducated opinions and ignore facts every day. I have watched Behar get worked up on more than one occasion and have no clue as to what she is talking about. She is short on facts, short on tolerance (something she demands from others) and short on temper, apparently.
The fact IS: America was attacked exclusively by radical muslim men on 9-11. They were all Muslim!!!! That is what Bill O'Reilly said--we were attacked by Islam. I am curious as to what extent Behar would go to throwing a hissy fit if a blanket statement were made about Christians or conservatives. This seems to be a one way street for her and many other liberal media dimwits in this country.
Most noteworthy--many said that the show's ratings soared the minute they left the set!!!
Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar left the set after O'Reilly said that the U.S. was attacked by Muslims on 9-11. Now, I know that Goldberg and Behar are not the sharpest tools in the shed. In fact, someone please explain to me how either one has an audience of people that value their opinion. They spout uneducated opinions and ignore facts every day. I have watched Behar get worked up on more than one occasion and have no clue as to what she is talking about. She is short on facts, short on tolerance (something she demands from others) and short on temper, apparently.
The fact IS: America was attacked exclusively by radical muslim men on 9-11. They were all Muslim!!!! That is what Bill O'Reilly said--we were attacked by Islam. I am curious as to what extent Behar would go to throwing a hissy fit if a blanket statement were made about Christians or conservatives. This seems to be a one way street for her and many other liberal media dimwits in this country.
Most noteworthy--many said that the show's ratings soared the minute they left the set!!!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Obama, "The First Post-Racial President" Goes Racial!
President Obama, earlier this week, exclaimed that republicans are counting on "black folks staying home" this November. Really? No, sir, "we" are counting on the American people to wake up and realize that their country has been taken hostage by a bunch of progressive, ungodly, crooks and we will wrestle control away from them. It has nothing to do with black and white. It has everything to do with good and evil; right and wrong, godly and ungodly. It has to do with the promised "fundamental transformation of America" that you are now delivering.
It seems sad and a bit ironic that the first "post-racial" President in our country would in this critical moment invoke the race card. It is so offensive to people like myself and, I am sure, well meaning candidates across America that he would do this. The race card is a scapegoat. It is a scapegoat for all of the misdoings of this administration and those who have helped drive this country deeper into debt, further into the corrupt abyss, and away from our founder's intent. Mr. President, you should know better and shame on you!
It seems sad and a bit ironic that the first "post-racial" President in our country would in this critical moment invoke the race card. It is so offensive to people like myself and, I am sure, well meaning candidates across America that he would do this. The race card is a scapegoat. It is a scapegoat for all of the misdoings of this administration and those who have helped drive this country deeper into debt, further into the corrupt abyss, and away from our founder's intent. Mr. President, you should know better and shame on you!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Puppy Tweeting, Really?
Now, I have seen it all. From the "if you don't have a life column" comes puppy tweeting. That's right, now your puppy, through the use of a technological miracle, can tweet its movements and activities!
Puppy Tweets is an electronic dog tag with a sensor that you attach to your dog's collar. It detects your pet's movements and sounds and sends a variety of tweets to a Twitter page you set up for your dog on a computer or smart phone. You can invite all your friends to be followers, too. If a dog is very active, he could tweet: "Chasing everything that moves is definitely a full time job!" If he is sleeping, his inactivity might trigger the message: "Your comforter does just what its name says it does." To guard against repetition, Mattel was adding 200 free tweets this week to the message library, Cooper said.
I thought Farmville, and Fishville (or whatever its called) and Mafia Wars and the likes were a waste of time. However, those seem like wonderful ideas and amazing use of time compared to this. The worst part of all of this is that I know that the country is going to go nuts over this! Sure, we will still complain that "there are not enough hours in the day" and "I just can't find a job that fits my needs", all the while charting our puppies movements around the house via our work computers.
The saving grace is that the ACLU and PETA will be on this like flies. I can hear them now: "This is a fundamental violation of the puppies rights." For once I may come down on the side of PETA. Look people, buy yourself a dog if you want. Pet it, groom it, feed it, teach it tricks---what do I care. But c'mon enough is enough.
Lassie, Rin Tin Tin, and Balto--they would not have stood for this!
Puppy Tweets is an electronic dog tag with a sensor that you attach to your dog's collar. It detects your pet's movements and sounds and sends a variety of tweets to a Twitter page you set up for your dog on a computer or smart phone. You can invite all your friends to be followers, too. If a dog is very active, he could tweet: "Chasing everything that moves is definitely a full time job!" If he is sleeping, his inactivity might trigger the message: "Your comforter does just what its name says it does." To guard against repetition, Mattel was adding 200 free tweets this week to the message library, Cooper said.
I thought Farmville, and Fishville (or whatever its called) and Mafia Wars and the likes were a waste of time. However, those seem like wonderful ideas and amazing use of time compared to this. The worst part of all of this is that I know that the country is going to go nuts over this! Sure, we will still complain that "there are not enough hours in the day" and "I just can't find a job that fits my needs", all the while charting our puppies movements around the house via our work computers.
The saving grace is that the ACLU and PETA will be on this like flies. I can hear them now: "This is a fundamental violation of the puppies rights." For once I may come down on the side of PETA. Look people, buy yourself a dog if you want. Pet it, groom it, feed it, teach it tricks---what do I care. But c'mon enough is enough.
Lassie, Rin Tin Tin, and Balto--they would not have stood for this!
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