Friday, October 29, 2010

Crist's Last Stand: Beg MeekTo Drop Out. Really!

In a last ditch desperate attempt to keep his lifelong political career alive Charlie Crist reached into his bag of tricks as Halloween nears.  After flip-flopping on issues, changing party affiliation, and generally doing whatever it may take to get votes--Crist has stooped to new lows.  It was revealed by Politico this week that Crist has begged Meek to leave the race and endorse Crist in an effort to keep Rubio from victory.  Crist even got help from The Teflon President, Bill Clinton.  Apparently last week Clinton's presumed campaign stumping for Meek was actually a visit to talk him out of the race.  Meek was presented with the notion that leaving the race to keep Rubio from winning would make him a hero and further his career------eventually.

Thank God that there seems to have been found some honor somewhere.  Many news outlets are reporting that it was Meek's wife who convinced him at the last minute to have honor and see the race through.  According to some sources the time and place had already been chosen for the bowing out and endorsement of Crist.  I disagree with Meek on almost EVERY issue, but thank you for having the honor to do this right.

Moreover, thank you for not rewarding the political weasel that is Charlie Crist.  Marco Rubio will likely win on Tuesday, but somehow I think that Crist will still have some tricks up his sleeve.  I pray that the voters of Florida can see through his ploys and his lack of a spine to the real Charlie Crist---the one who NEEDS to get elected to keep his dream of being President of The United States alive. Sorry Charlie--we see who you really are, the mask is off and we are scared!

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