Thursday, October 21, 2010

Liberals Continue Tap Dance To Not Offend Islam: Juan Williams Fired At NPR

Longtime news analyst Juan Williams, who has written extensively on race and civil rights, has been fired by National Public Radio after comments he made about Muslims on the Fox News Channel.  Host Bill O‘Reilly brought on guests to discuss his appearance last week on ABC’s “The View” during which Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg walked off the set in protest of O‘Reilly’s views on Muslims.

Williams said the following: 
“I mean, look, Bill, I’m not a bigot. You know the kind of books I’ve written about the Civil Rights movement in this country,” Williams said. “But when I get on a plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous.”

Wow, really?  That gets you fired?  (This would be a good time to say please don't tell my boss I have thought and said the same thing on more than one occasion).  Seriously people?  We were attacked by radical MUSLIMS!!!  When we are looking around and analyzing our security on planes we should be looking for MUSLIMS!!  It does not mean that all Muslims are bad or that they should be treated differently.  Juan Williams did not suggest anything of the sort---he simply stated that when on a plane he gets nervous when he sees people in traditional Muslim garb.

The majority of the terror plots that have been foiled since 9-11 have turned up Muslims.  Those training in middle eastern countries to kill Americans and America's allies are Muslims!  The bombers of the 93 WTC, the USS Cole, the embassy in Beirut--ALL MUSLIMS!

Political correctness is out of control and shows no sign of being reeled in.  A blogger on Huffington Post put it this way:  "To say that many people get worried when they see men in Muslim garb is a honest human response to seeing pictures on the news of folks in the same garb chanting "Death to America" and beheading folks. We can't even have an honest discussion on anything. This political correctness is absurd.

I am not a huge fan of Juan Williams and I disagree with him often, but not on this one.


  1. Its starting to annoy me how Obama doesn't do anything to help local governments like Arizona defend against violent immigrants. Jan Brewer is just trying to save lives and the administration has the nerve to get in her way by barring her legislation!

  2. David--agree totally. President Obama is protecting everyone and everything except America and its heritage. Hope you are doing well.

    Roger--Thanks for the comment. This was much more enlightened and less profane than your previous ones. No, Muslims do not pray to my God. They believe that Jesus was a prophet and I believe that Jesus was God. The Bible says that Jesus said "unless you believe that I AM, you shall die in your sins".

    You are very correct that many have misused the Bible and done bad things in the name of Jesus. However, that does not speak of me nor disqualify the current discussion in relation to Muslims. Thanks for reading--

  3. Barry, I love what you are doing here. Standing up for what we know and speaking out about it. This Blog is a God-send. We are are way too silent these days. I will be sure to share this site with others. Thanks, Tara Lynn (Zoe's mom)
