Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Obama, "The First Post-Racial President" Goes Racial!

President Obama, earlier this week, exclaimed that republicans are counting on "black folks staying home" this November.  Really?  No, sir, "we" are counting on the American people to wake up and realize that their country has been taken hostage by a bunch of progressive, ungodly, crooks and we will wrestle control away from them.  It has nothing to do with black and white.  It has everything to do with good and evil; right and wrong, godly and ungodly.  It has to do with the promised  "fundamental transformation of America" that you are now delivering. 

It seems sad and a bit ironic that the first "post-racial" President in our country would in this critical moment invoke the race card.  It is so offensive to people like myself and, I am sure, well meaning candidates across America that he would do this.  The race card is a scapegoat.  It is a scapegoat for all of the misdoings of this administration and those who have helped drive this country deeper into debt, further into the corrupt abyss, and away from our founder's intent.  Mr. President, you should know better and shame on you!

1 comment:

  1. I really hope you are not a Palin supporter. All she does is tote her guns, bash the "lamestream" media and proclaim how awesome fishing, hunting and hiking is.
