Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"Muslims Attacked The US on 9-11" Shocks The View

Two hosts of ABC talk show "The View" angrily stomped off the set while on live television Wednesday in the middle of a contentious debate with Fox New Channel's Bill O’Reilly about the planned mosque in lower Manhattan, the New York Post reported Thursday.

Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar left the set after O'Reilly said that the U.S. was attacked by Muslims on 9-11.  Now, I know that Goldberg and Behar are not the sharpest tools in the shed.  In fact, someone please explain to me how either one has an audience of people that value their opinion.  They spout uneducated opinions and ignore facts every day. I have watched Behar get worked up on more than one occasion and have no clue as to what she is talking about.  She is short on facts, short on tolerance (something she demands from others) and short on temper, apparently.

The fact IS:  America was attacked exclusively by radical muslim men on 9-11.  They were all Muslim!!!!  That is what Bill O'Reilly said--we were attacked by Islam.  I am curious as to what extent Behar would go to throwing a hissy fit if a blanket statement were made about Christians or conservatives.  This seems to be a one way street for her and many other liberal media dimwits in this country. 

Most noteworthy--many said that the show's ratings soared the minute they left the set!!!

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