Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Alan Grayson Is Evil And His Campaign Ads Prove It

Yesterday I watched what I thought could be the worst political campaign ad that I had ever seen.  The ad, by Orlando Congressman Alan Grayson, compared his Republican opponent to the Taliban.  Grayson's team used quotes from Webster, a devoutly religious man, saying that wives should submit to their husbands.  The commercial then goes on to discuss legislation that Webster has supported or blocked regarding women's issues, abortion etc...

Now, Webster is right about submission because it is from God's Word.  Webster has also been on the right side of legislation seeking to protect the right of the unborn child.  Grayson, on the other hand, is wrong!  He is wrong because he is a venomous snake.  He is wrong because he is on the wrong side of protecting the unborn.  And now, he is wrong because his ad is disingenuous and misleading.  It is a sophisticated twisting of a man's words and easily the worst ad EVER.  Here's what Webster is reported to have said that caused Grayson to compare him to the Taliban:

"Wives submit yourselves to your own husbands. She should submit to me. That's in the Bible"
Submit to me.
Submit to me.
Submit to me.
The commercial pauses between the statements to make comparisons to the Taliban and discusses legislation that Webster has voted on. What's so evil about this?  The actual full video shows the CONTEXT of the Webster speech and carries a far different tone.  Look:


"Find a verse. I have a verse for my wife. I have verses for my wife: Don't pick the ones that say she should submit to me. That's in the Bible, but pick the ones that YOU'RE (all caps added by me for emphasis)supposed to do."

Webster goes on in the video to say--we are supposed to love our wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it---hardly a Taliban philosophy.  Really, I am so angry about this because it is what is wrong with politics and much of what's wrong with America.  People of Orlando should be out in force to send Grayson out of Washington.  The problem is that he is loaded with money and in politics today--money talks!

I encourage all who can to support Daniel Webster in whatever ways that you can.  He really deserves it!  Really!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It's "endowed by their Creator", Mr. President!

For the second time in a week the President, while giving a speech and referencing the Declaration of Independence, omitted the phrase "endowed by their creator".  This time the President was at a Democratic fundraiser (which I admit would be an unusual place to discuss God).  Previously the President was speaking to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus on September 15 when he forgot the phrase.  Really, Mr. President?  Don't we learn this phrase in grade schools in America---or, we used to.

Here is what President Obama said in the recent quote:
[I]f we stay true to our values, if we believe that all people are created equal and everybody is endowed with certain inalienable rights and we’re going to make those words live, and we’re going to give everybody opportunity, everybody a ladder into the middle class, every child able to go as far as their dreams will take them — if we stay true to that, then we’re going to be able to maintain the energy and the focus, the fight, the gumption to get stuff done.”

Endowed by who, Sir?  You?  The federal government?  The point of the phrase is to emphasize that there are certain rights that simply cannot be taken away, but by God.  He gave them and only He can remove them.

With all of the hoopla about whether or not Obama is a Christian or a Muslim or something in between, one would think that he would choose his words quite carefully.  Which is the point to me---I believe he IS choosing his words carefully and refuses to acknowledge the God of the founding fathers. 

I am reminded of Galatians 6:7 "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap".  President Obama, my fear would be that if I continued to omit the creator that he may in fact decide to omit me. 

Now, I am sure that big brother is watching and Secret Service will be at my door here soon.  I am not suggesting that I or anyone else should harm the President (lest he be the President of Iran).  I believe that all instances in our nation of violence against political leaders are unacceptable.  What I am suggesting is that the President acknowledge the God of Abraham so that he and his nation might be blessed.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Ahmadinejad, Black Panthers & Farrakhan Hold Secret Meetings In New York

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s trip to New York City reportedly expanded beyond meeting with foreign dignitaries at the United Nations.  According to the New York Post, the Iranian president’s six-night stay also included a “secret sit-down” with militant Nation of Islam minister Louis Farrakhan and members of the New Black Panther Party.  Sources report that they met at the Warwick Hotel on 54th Street.

It's bad enough that we HAVE to let this guy come into our country and refer to us as "The Great Satan".  It's worse that he can stand in New York this past week and accuse the United States of orchestrating 9-11 in an effort to support Israel further.  However, this news takes the cake!

Explain to me in any logical terms how this sick, twisted, maniacal, psycho gets to travel around our country and enjoy the blessings of an economic system that he vilifies.  How does he have the right to do anything but show up, give a speech, and LEAVE!  Really, America?  We are going to allow, possibly our greatest enemy in the world today, freedom to come and go and "meet" with individuals over a fine meal?  This is absurd!  His movements should be restricted to going to and from the meetings.

Also, feel free to explain why Farrakhan and the New Black Panther Party are not being questioned this morning about the details of their "encounter" with Ahmadinejad.  What is wrong with this country?  Farrakhan must be loosely educated, to say the least.  Does he not understand that Muslims were the biggest slave traders of all time and were the last to give it up by force in the 1920′s. And of course Iran aligned itself with Hitler in WWII who boycotted the Olympics because black folks were in it.

And as I read of this news it struck me that while these things are going on and the President surrounds himself with communist progressives--the leadership of this country wants you to be aware of the great evil facing our nation------The Tea Party.  Really?

Friday, September 24, 2010

In Congress Today:Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert Testifies On Immigration. Really?

For further proof that this congress is an absolute joke check out what will be happening on Capitol Hill today.

Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert will be on the Hill today testifying  before a House committee on immigration.  Colbert, of "The Colbert Report" will appear as an expert witness. He has focused on the UFW’s “Take Our Jobs” campaign on his nightly show.  He had spent a day last month picking vegetables on a farm in upstate New York.

Really?  So, after a day of picking vegetables Colbert is an expert?  This is seriously getting out of hand!  When Congress is looking to comedians to solve the problems plaguing our country, we may have really hit rock bottom.  Stay tuned as tomorrow Harrison Ford testifies on terrorism (he was in some movies about terrorism) and then Monday Captain Crunch will have his say on national security (he IS a captain).

As one blogger put it this morning: "I don't think that Colbert should go to Congress, I think Congress should go to Comedy Central to expose who they really are----clowns". 

It kind of reminds me of the closing scene of Animal Farm.  As the pigs gaze into the window they have a hard time distinguishing the pigs from the humans.  As I look at this congress it becomes increasingly more difficult to tell what's real and what's a joke.  Who and what are we supposed to take serious? 

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Rays Add DJ Kitty to Trop Line-up. Really, Rays.

In the heat of a pennant chase in late September the Tampa Bay Rays have added a final piece to the championship puzzle.  No, they haven't added another left-hander out of the pen, nor another free swinging lefty out of the dugout.  The Rays have added---wait for it--DJ KITTY!  Huh?

That's right.  The Rays now have a cat that appears on the jumbo tron to fire up fans much like a rally monkey.  Now, I am not sure which is more pathetic; (1) the fact that the Ray's fans need to be fired up to back their team during a pennant chase or (2) the fact that the Rays fans actually respond to DJ Kitty.

I love the Rays and hope they win it all, but the Yankees fans would never respond to a DJ Kitty.  Moreover, the Bronx media group would never even attempt this gimmick.  C'mon Rays, if you're going to be BIGTIME ya gotta get with the program.  You already play in a tent, no need to add to the carnival atmosphere.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Newsome Students Opposed To New Dance Restrictions. Really?

Newsome High School in Riverview is instituting a new dance policy for school dances.  The new policy can be summed up in one phrase: "Face to face with space".  Teachers are relieved, parents seem on board, and students are outraged! 

Isn't it written into the Constitution that students can "bump and grind" at school dances?  "A lot of the seniors aren't going to be down to just dance face to face and I think we should dance how we want," student Kat Marshall told FOX 13.  In typical teenager fashion many of the students are already planning their own dance with all the bumping and grinding a teen could ever want.  I am going to go out on a limb here and bet money that most of these alternative dances will be hosted by, paid for, and "chaperoned" by "concerned" parents who think that the school is just a bully to their little precious. 

Really parents?  Wake up!  It's time for parents to be parents.  It's not your job to save the dance, or be your kid's best buddy!  It's your job to train them up in the way that they should go so that when they are old they will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6)  We live in a society with far too many parents living vicariously through their children.  Parents run around over-protecting their kids on one angle and then not protecting them at all when and where they should.

So parents, don't rush in to save the dance.  Don't support your child's urge to raise an uproar so they can bump and grind.  Don't encourage their rants on facebook about the change in policy.  What, you didn't know they had a facebook?  Really?

Friday, September 17, 2010

America Is In Poverty, Really?

The Census Beaureau reported on Thursday that one in seven Americans lives below the poverty level.  At first glance that is a seemingly staggering statistic.  In the land of opportunity with free enterprise, surely they have this figure wrong!  No, it is right, but does it tell the whole story?

The poverty level is defined as a family of four living on a household income of less than 22,000 dollars a year.  While I realize that $22,000 a year won't buy you as much here in America as, say, in Ethiopia, there are some astonishing statistics that we should consider before we start feeling sorry for ourselves as a nation.

  • Almost half the world — over 3 billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day.

  • The GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of the 41 Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (567 million people) is less than the wealth of the world’s 7 richest people combined.

  • Nearly a billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their names. .

  • 1 billion children live in poverty (1 in 2 children in the world). 640 million live without adequate shelter, 400 million have no access to safe water, 270 million have no access to health services. 10.6 million died in 2003 before they reached the age of 5 (or roughly 29,000 children per day).

  • (

    So, America is struggling and times appear as though they will get worse before they get better.  However, before we rush to judgement and overthrow capitalism because the American experiment is suddenly not working, let's consider these statistics and consider how wealthy some of America's poorest are in comparison with most other nations. 

    Let's work on fixing these "poverty" problems by embracing free market concepts not by resorting to the socialist ideas that drove many of these countries into poverty in the first place.  The answer to our issues are less government not more government.  I am amazed when liberals taunt such ideas as "trickle down economics".  We vilify the rich and act as though they have no right to their wealth.  All the while we fail to realize that if "they" are not wealthy, they do not pass that wealth down to the rest of the population through employment. IT IS ABOUT JOBS!!!  People have to work and as long as we punish the rich and encourage companies to take their jobs to foreign markets we will continue to slump. I was educated at a small school and have no Ivy League experience, but I wonder how we can take problems with such obviously simple solutions and create confusion!

    I have a relative who has been on a couple of mission trips to Africa.  He can barely speak about the conditions he has seen without tearing up.  He has seen abject poverty.  America hasn't.

    Thursday, September 16, 2010

    Really, Kevin Jennings? You are the "SAFE SCHOOLS CZAR"?

    At a time when Christian education is more vital than ever, parents are flocking away from the Christian schools for monetary reasons and under pressure from their kids because the public schools are more "fun". 

    Meanwhile, godless liberals are on the attack!  They are active in the public school curriculum campaign and plotting and planning their way into the private school market as well.  Take for example our "Safe Schools" Czar Kevin Jennings of the Gay Lesbian School Teachers Network.  Listen to the things that this guys is saying that ARE being implemented and that he would like to see implemented.  This guy is working feverishly on an overhaul of the curriculums of the United States to include what he calls "themes in the classroom".

    Jennings is excited about films such as "Out of the Past" that will be shown in many US History classrooms.  The film is about the plight of gays and lesbians in the United States down through history.  Jennings has also warned to beware of the tactics of the Republicans who would like a voucher system.  He stresses that tax dollars should never be used for parachoial schools.  As I listened to him say that it almost sounds like he doesnt understand that this money was ours in the first place.  Even more scary than that, he suggests that EVERY school has an obligation to instruct the students in the studies of gays and lesbians.  One can only wonder how long before this duty becomes a law!

    America, this indoctrination of our children is reaching a fever pitch.  School children go off to these propaganda centers every day and learn erronious history and science.  They learn that the founders did not create a Christian nation.  They learn that God did not create.  They learn that people who committ sins are probably born with that inately.  They learn we are a higher form of animal.  They receive free birth control and are told to be careful.  And, if they haven't yet, they will be learning that the gay and lesbian lifestyle is not only not an abomination, but rather a lifestyle to be desired.

    I could care less if our public schools churned out the most intelligent and industrious students in the world.  If they leave school with a head full of knowledge that is flawed and a system of morals that would make Madonna blush, where is the success? 

    Check out some videos of what Jennings has to say at the following link:

    Tuesday, September 14, 2010

    Really Florida?

    A recent CNN poll shows the race between upstart Marco Rubio and Charlie Crist is too close to call.  Really Florida?  Charlie Crist is everything that people in politics hate; pandering for votes, refusing to stand on principles, and doing whatever is necessary to get elected.

    Crist has taken it one step further and tried to create the appearance that he is exactly what America is looking for.  He has played himself off as the "maverick" who has bucked the party and stood on his own.  Really? 

    No, what Crist has actually done is receive a major lashing in the primary season from Rubio and then looked in every direction to find a way to stay alive.  After assuring us that he was running as a Republican, he announced his candidacy as an independent (despite the fact that he received much in campaign contributions from people who thought he would be representing Republicans).  Now, in an effort to get votes he has shifted his position on a number of issues.  One would appreciate this shift if Charlie were changing because he was enlightened on a subject or convinced by a preponderance of the evidence, but it is clear that Crist's political manuvering is based on votes and votes alone.

    Crist won't take enough support from Rubio to win in November and he realizes that his only chance is to attract the would be Meek voters (though they be few in number).  His only way to attract long time democrats is to adopt their issues as his.  So, we have seen him move on education, immigration, off-shore drilling, and NOW---gay adoption.  What's next?  I can almost read the headlines 'Crist favors ban on tanning beds."  Seriously Florida, how is this race even close? 

    Charlie Crist is what is wrong with American politics.  I'm not saying that he's a crook or has done anything illegal.  What I am saying is that he appears to be abandoning principles in favor of his zeal for holding political office.  I believe it was Alexander Hamilton who said "those who stand for nothing will fall for anything."  Well, Florida, he stands for nothing and we may just be falling for it!