Thursday, September 16, 2010

Really, Kevin Jennings? You are the "SAFE SCHOOLS CZAR"?

At a time when Christian education is more vital than ever, parents are flocking away from the Christian schools for monetary reasons and under pressure from their kids because the public schools are more "fun". 

Meanwhile, godless liberals are on the attack!  They are active in the public school curriculum campaign and plotting and planning their way into the private school market as well.  Take for example our "Safe Schools" Czar Kevin Jennings of the Gay Lesbian School Teachers Network.  Listen to the things that this guys is saying that ARE being implemented and that he would like to see implemented.  This guy is working feverishly on an overhaul of the curriculums of the United States to include what he calls "themes in the classroom".

Jennings is excited about films such as "Out of the Past" that will be shown in many US History classrooms.  The film is about the plight of gays and lesbians in the United States down through history.  Jennings has also warned to beware of the tactics of the Republicans who would like a voucher system.  He stresses that tax dollars should never be used for parachoial schools.  As I listened to him say that it almost sounds like he doesnt understand that this money was ours in the first place.  Even more scary than that, he suggests that EVERY school has an obligation to instruct the students in the studies of gays and lesbians.  One can only wonder how long before this duty becomes a law!

America, this indoctrination of our children is reaching a fever pitch.  School children go off to these propaganda centers every day and learn erronious history and science.  They learn that the founders did not create a Christian nation.  They learn that God did not create.  They learn that people who committ sins are probably born with that inately.  They learn we are a higher form of animal.  They receive free birth control and are told to be careful.  And, if they haven't yet, they will be learning that the gay and lesbian lifestyle is not only not an abomination, but rather a lifestyle to be desired.

I could care less if our public schools churned out the most intelligent and industrious students in the world.  If they leave school with a head full of knowledge that is flawed and a system of morals that would make Madonna blush, where is the success? 

Check out some videos of what Jennings has to say at the following link:


  1. I am taking an American Government class at State College of Florida and am shocked at the liberal tirades my professors spouts during class that are purely opinion based and that he tries to pass off as fact. I am even more shocked at how the other students in the class sit there and absorb everything he says without thinking to question it! Thank you to all the teachers at Grace who have prepared me to go out in the secular world and not only have the knowledge to stand up for what I believe in but the backbone as well.

  2. Corn,

    Thanks for the comment. America is in need of young people who know the truth and will espouse the truth regardless of consequences. God bless you in your studies as you stand for what's right!
