Monday, September 27, 2010

Ahmadinejad, Black Panthers & Farrakhan Hold Secret Meetings In New York

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s trip to New York City reportedly expanded beyond meeting with foreign dignitaries at the United Nations.  According to the New York Post, the Iranian president’s six-night stay also included a “secret sit-down” with militant Nation of Islam minister Louis Farrakhan and members of the New Black Panther Party.  Sources report that they met at the Warwick Hotel on 54th Street.

It's bad enough that we HAVE to let this guy come into our country and refer to us as "The Great Satan".  It's worse that he can stand in New York this past week and accuse the United States of orchestrating 9-11 in an effort to support Israel further.  However, this news takes the cake!

Explain to me in any logical terms how this sick, twisted, maniacal, psycho gets to travel around our country and enjoy the blessings of an economic system that he vilifies.  How does he have the right to do anything but show up, give a speech, and LEAVE!  Really, America?  We are going to allow, possibly our greatest enemy in the world today, freedom to come and go and "meet" with individuals over a fine meal?  This is absurd!  His movements should be restricted to going to and from the meetings.

Also, feel free to explain why Farrakhan and the New Black Panther Party are not being questioned this morning about the details of their "encounter" with Ahmadinejad.  What is wrong with this country?  Farrakhan must be loosely educated, to say the least.  Does he not understand that Muslims were the biggest slave traders of all time and were the last to give it up by force in the 1920′s. And of course Iran aligned itself with Hitler in WWII who boycotted the Olympics because black folks were in it.

And as I read of this news it struck me that while these things are going on and the President surrounds himself with communist progressives--the leadership of this country wants you to be aware of the great evil facing our nation------The Tea Party.  Really?

1 comment:

  1. Two words; Mother Plane. There is much that you have yet to learn about Farrakhan and it's probably due to this what you are doing now, which is only listening to public media or if you listen to him you listen with hateful intent. This story is fraudulent and the meeting was not secret nor was it private, the media hyped it up to be. If it were secret, how did they find out?

    Also let me correct your incorrect history because it is obvious you are pro-American government conservative. Muslims were not the biggest slave traders, it was the white Arabs who had stolen the land of Arabia from Africans some 3000 years ago. They are not the original Arabs because the Original Arabs were as dark as any African you see in your google search.

    You say you are Christian, well if you actually are a true Christian and not just a title you place upon yourself, you will know that the days of God is the present days and during the next 20 years and not to exceed 20 years, starting in the fourth hour of the year 2012, the faith that you seek in the Book of Revelation will be coming to past, it is all in there; thought it will surely not come as you seek for it in your belief, it will come to past soon.
