Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Really Florida?

A recent CNN poll shows the race between upstart Marco Rubio and Charlie Crist is too close to call.  Really Florida?  Charlie Crist is everything that people in politics hate; pandering for votes, refusing to stand on principles, and doing whatever is necessary to get elected.

Crist has taken it one step further and tried to create the appearance that he is exactly what America is looking for.  He has played himself off as the "maverick" who has bucked the party and stood on his own.  Really? 

No, what Crist has actually done is receive a major lashing in the primary season from Rubio and then looked in every direction to find a way to stay alive.  After assuring us that he was running as a Republican, he announced his candidacy as an independent (despite the fact that he received much in campaign contributions from people who thought he would be representing Republicans).  Now, in an effort to get votes he has shifted his position on a number of issues.  One would appreciate this shift if Charlie were changing because he was enlightened on a subject or convinced by a preponderance of the evidence, but it is clear that Crist's political manuvering is based on votes and votes alone.

Crist won't take enough support from Rubio to win in November and he realizes that his only chance is to attract the would be Meek voters (though they be few in number).  His only way to attract long time democrats is to adopt their issues as his.  So, we have seen him move on education, immigration, off-shore drilling, and NOW---gay adoption.  What's next?  I can almost read the headlines 'Crist favors ban on tanning beds."  Seriously Florida, how is this race even close? 

Charlie Crist is what is wrong with American politics.  I'm not saying that he's a crook or has done anything illegal.  What I am saying is that he appears to be abandoning principles in favor of his zeal for holding political office.  I believe it was Alexander Hamilton who said "those who stand for nothing will fall for anything."  Well, Florida, he stands for nothing and we may just be falling for it!

1 comment:

  1. I saw a Crist add last night (interestingly enough, during "Lie to Me", but I digress), it seems like he takes pride in his, shall we say, "flexibility". It's a sad day when leaders tout their lack of firm position as a plus. Quite a bit of difference between the statesmen of yesteryear and the politicians of today.

    P.S. The tanning bed tax won't affect him. I'm pretty sure that's a spray tan ala Snookie.
