Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Alan Grayson Is Evil And His Campaign Ads Prove It

Yesterday I watched what I thought could be the worst political campaign ad that I had ever seen.  The ad, by Orlando Congressman Alan Grayson, compared his Republican opponent to the Taliban.  Grayson's team used quotes from Webster, a devoutly religious man, saying that wives should submit to their husbands.  The commercial then goes on to discuss legislation that Webster has supported or blocked regarding women's issues, abortion etc...

Now, Webster is right about submission because it is from God's Word.  Webster has also been on the right side of legislation seeking to protect the right of the unborn child.  Grayson, on the other hand, is wrong!  He is wrong because he is a venomous snake.  He is wrong because he is on the wrong side of protecting the unborn.  And now, he is wrong because his ad is disingenuous and misleading.  It is a sophisticated twisting of a man's words and easily the worst ad EVER.  Here's what Webster is reported to have said that caused Grayson to compare him to the Taliban:

"Wives submit yourselves to your own husbands. She should submit to me. That's in the Bible"
Submit to me.
Submit to me.
Submit to me.
The commercial pauses between the statements to make comparisons to the Taliban and discusses legislation that Webster has voted on. What's so evil about this?  The actual full video shows the CONTEXT of the Webster speech and carries a far different tone.  Look:


"Find a verse. I have a verse for my wife. I have verses for my wife: Don't pick the ones that say she should submit to me. That's in the Bible, but pick the ones that YOU'RE (all caps added by me for emphasis)supposed to do."

Webster goes on in the video to say--we are supposed to love our wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it---hardly a Taliban philosophy.  Really, I am so angry about this because it is what is wrong with politics and much of what's wrong with America.  People of Orlando should be out in force to send Grayson out of Washington.  The problem is that he is loaded with money and in politics today--money talks!

I encourage all who can to support Daniel Webster in whatever ways that you can.  He really deserves it!  Really!

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