Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It's "endowed by their Creator", Mr. President!

For the second time in a week the President, while giving a speech and referencing the Declaration of Independence, omitted the phrase "endowed by their creator".  This time the President was at a Democratic fundraiser (which I admit would be an unusual place to discuss God).  Previously the President was speaking to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus on September 15 when he forgot the phrase.  Really, Mr. President?  Don't we learn this phrase in grade schools in America---or, we used to.

Here is what President Obama said in the recent quote:
[I]f we stay true to our values, if we believe that all people are created equal and everybody is endowed with certain inalienable rights and we’re going to make those words live, and we’re going to give everybody opportunity, everybody a ladder into the middle class, every child able to go as far as their dreams will take them — if we stay true to that, then we’re going to be able to maintain the energy and the focus, the fight, the gumption to get stuff done.”

Endowed by who, Sir?  You?  The federal government?  The point of the phrase is to emphasize that there are certain rights that simply cannot be taken away, but by God.  He gave them and only He can remove them.

With all of the hoopla about whether or not Obama is a Christian or a Muslim or something in between, one would think that he would choose his words quite carefully.  Which is the point to me---I believe he IS choosing his words carefully and refuses to acknowledge the God of the founding fathers. 

I am reminded of Galatians 6:7 "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap".  President Obama, my fear would be that if I continued to omit the creator that he may in fact decide to omit me. 

Now, I am sure that big brother is watching and Secret Service will be at my door here soon.  I am not suggesting that I or anyone else should harm the President (lest he be the President of Iran).  I believe that all instances in our nation of violence against political leaders are unacceptable.  What I am suggesting is that the President acknowledge the God of Abraham so that he and his nation might be blessed.

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